Team of Virology


Team leader

Deputy Team Leader
Tokiko Watanabe


Objectives of the team

The virus analysis research team aims to construct diverse vaccine libraries based on the elucidated ecology of pathogenic viruses, including those responsible for priority infectious diseases.


Description of research and development by the team

To construct diverse vaccine libraries for viral infections that can pose threats to the world, this team elucidates the ecology of RNA viruses responsible for priority infectious diseases. Based on the acquired knowledge, the team pursues the development of diverse vaccine modalities.


Tasks of the team

  1. 1Analysis of viral infection/transmission mechanisms, pathogenic mechanisms, and immune responses in infected individuals
  2. 2Analysis of properties and emergence mechanism of mutant viruses
  3. 3Molecular mechanisms underlying the cross-species transmission of zoonotic viruses
  4. 4Research and development of diverse vaccine modalities

Teams of R&D Division